Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No pencil, no paper and wandering about the room

OK, so what's the next thing that we can use to keep our sanity as a substitute teacher? As a member of the LOST (Legion of Substitute Teachers), we are truly on our own. So many types of people have support groups. Have you ever heard of a support group for substitute teachers? No? See, we're on our own here.

Let's see, what kind of things do students do that we need to be aware of? Oh, not bringing supplies to class! That's always a favorite. "Mrs. P., I don't have a pencil." "Mrs. P., I don't have any paper." Well, I will concede and give a pencil if needed. There's no use in fighting that battle. Otherwise, no work gets done at all. How convenient to just sit there and do nothing because one fails to bring a pencil to school. Sigh.... Luckily, students often drop pencils on the floor, so I've been known to harvest those for later use. (Teachers are scavengers at heart)

As for paper. Well, I don't stock paper. Unless I know that a student is a hardship case, I feel that it's their responsibility to bring a piece of paper to class! So, if a student asks for paper, and I know their family isn't totally destitute, I ask them to get a piece of paper from someone sitting nearby. That problem is solved...

What behavior can I discuss that subs find upsetting. OK, wandering around the room. This needs to be nipped in the bud quickly. Otherwise, in a room of young students, there will be seven or eight wraiths drifting about the room with no particular place to go. LOST's need to ask immediately, "excuse me, young man or young woman, FREEZE! Exactly what is it you need?" As soon as they answer, and I determine what needs to be done for the individual, I proceed to escort him or her back to their desk. Young children are like crickets, one jumps up and nine others think it's OK for them to jump up, too. Stop the wanderers as quickly as humanly possible. Your intervention also signals to the class that you're not asleep at the wheel and they will begin to show you a bit more attention.

Hope this edition of random thoughts and whines has been of some use to a poor LOST who's out there looking for guidance. Talk to you again soon!

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